Cosmetic Dentistry
If any aspect of your dental appearance concerns you, no matter how trivial, please discuss it with us.
Tooth Coloured Fillings
Tooth coloured fillings or ‘composites’ are always used at the front of the mouth for aesthetic reasons. They can also be used in back teeth and are increasingly being used for this purpose instead of amalgam (silver fillings). Please discuss the options available to you with your dentist but bear in mind that a tooth coloured filling may not always be the best way to restore your tooth.
Crowns & Veneers
It may be possible to reshape your smile or disguise damaged, discoloured or heavily filled teeth with a crown or veneer.
Orthdontics (tooth straightening)
We are happy to refer patients to a specialist orthodontist for tooth straightening treatment. The orthodontic treatment may be carried out free on the NHS or may have to be paid for privately depending on the severity of the case. Please note that adult orthodontics is certainly possible and carried out with increasing frequency these days but will have to be paid for privately.
Tooth Whitening
We offer home whitening in custom made trays using Philips ‘Zoom’, NiteWhite and DayWhite.